St. Bonaventure University

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Computer Science Program

计算机科学专业培养学生分析和应用道德计算解决方案来解决现实世界的问题. 学生发展的知识和需求的技能,寻求雇主和研究生课程.

该系致力于教育学生具备计算机科学毕业生所应有的技术技能, 成为对社会负责的专业人士,符合我们方济各会的使命和我们的文科传统.

Our alumni network

Graduates readily find entry level computing positions. 在该行业工作的校友经常为他们的公司招聘新的毕业生, resulting in clusters of Bonaventure alumni at several companies. 校友们还会招募高年级本科生到他们的公司暑期实习. 所有的学生都应该在社区完成实习或进行技术咨询.

Academic track choices offer students flexibility

In line with current trends in computing, students can choose between either the Software Engineering & Big Data track or the Networks & Systems Administration track. 第三个方向是人工智能,将于2024年秋季学期开设. 修读一个方向的学生可以选修其他方向的课程.

The program is closely aligned with our Cybersecurity program这两所学校共享资源,并且拥有一些同样优秀的教师. 网络安全提供学士学位和仅限在线的硕士课程.

Research experience enhances career options

该计划以两个学期的高级顶点课程告终,该课程指导学生在他们感兴趣的领域进行原创性研究. 毕业生为研究生阶段的继续学习做好了充分的准备. Two recent graduates received research assistantships to pursue Ph.D. 一个在伦斯勒理工学院,另一个在亚利桑那大学.

最近的研究项目包括开发收集和分析推文的软件, security analysis of unmanned aircraft systems, and development of a shared database for nonprofit organizations.

博纳文蒂尔大学的本科生在地区和国家计算机科学会议以及学生研究会上展示了海报会议 & Creative Endeavors Exposition held on campus each spring. 高年级的学生也会在低年级的实验室担任助教.

该系教师是ACM(计算机协会)和IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)社区的活跃成员. 教师 members have published numerous articles and several books. They have won many grants to support the program, including four National Science Foundation grants, IBM Corona基金,用于支持学生对自动化软件测试的研究, and a George I. 奥尔登基金会为机器人项目“机器人的内心”拨款. 本科生通过与教师一起进行定向研究而直接受益.

Modern facilities support a diverse curriculum

这个系在校园最新的一栋大楼里有两个计算机实验室, the Walsh Science Center. 实验室为学生提供最新的硬件和软件,以支持课程和独立的学生研究.

软件开发实验室支持主要课程中的前两门课程,以及专注于应用程序开发和用户体验设计的课程. 系统实验室支持大数据/数据库的高年级课程, operating systems and networking.

Zach's into gaming

主修计算机科学的Zachary DeChane致力于为Xbox 360游戏系统开发一款游戏.

Student assistance to local nonprofits and internships

Our students can get hands-on, real-world experience by working with nonprofits in the region, providing free assistance with organizations' computing projects. 援助可能包括开发诸如组成管理系统之类的东西, dynamic websites, or other web or mobile apps.

项目通常持续一个学期,可以在学年中安排. Many take place over the summer. Students are advised by a faculty member throughout each project.

有兴趣与计算机科学系合作一个项目或了解更多关于这个项目的非营利组织可以 contact Dr. Chris Bopp, assistant professor of computer science.

想要雇佣实习生的公司或非营利组织也可以选择计算机科学专业的学生. 那些希望更多地了解如何雇佣计算机科学专业的学生作为实习生的人也被要求这样做 email Dr. Bopp.

Program information

The Department of Computer Science offers a B.S. and a minor in Computer Science.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science



  • Computer Science minor

    For nonmajors, 计算机科学辅修课程为计算机科学的基础知识提供了坚实的基础,以帮助理解他们的主要领域.

    Requirements for the Computer Science minor

    Interested in Cybersecurity?

    The Computer Science Department also offers a B.S. in Cybersecurity and a minor in Cybersecurity. To learn more, visit the Cybersecurity Program.

    News, Publications & Research